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Is This Blood? Nope, Just New Resident Evil Trailers

Is This Blood? Nope, Just New Resident Evil Trailers

Resident Evil

Resident Evil HD and Resident Evil Revelations 2 were shown and announced during the Sony TGS conference

If you happened to catch the Sony Conference for the pre-TGS convention (weird phrasing it that way) then you most likely were able to see the new trailers for Resident Evil HD and Resident Evil Revelations 2. Both coming to the PS4, PS3, XB1, Xbox 360, and PC early next year. If you did miss them or just didn’t want to wade through the whole press event then you are in luck as we have all of the survival horror zombie goodness below. Yes, we are that awesome here.

Don’t expect to see too much for either, at least in the way of anything new though. This would be the first time we got to see video of Resident Evil HD and the upgraded changes to the upgraded version that came out on the Game Cube years ago. Also, the Resident Evil Revelations 2 video isn’t more than a concept video to give us something to see with the announcement that the game is coming. Panties get all bunched now for everyone who want to see something that would sell us on a purchase. I know that was what I was looking forward to.

I will be honest though, since I am such a huge fan of the Resident Evil franchise both of these will most likely be on my buy list as I would love to be able to play more horror on my PS4. I’ve never been able to play Resident Evil Revelations so I may be a bit lost if the story carries over but this is Capcom we are talking about so there is most likely a Resident Evil collection in the works for all of the next gen consoles out there. Current gen as well.

We’ll update as we get more information. For now you can rejoice in what we do have for Resident Evil below. If only it was Resident Evil 7 and not a remake and sequel to a title that most may not have played already.

Resident Evil



Resident Evil Revelations 2