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Did You Miss That Sony Tokyo Game Show Conference? We Got You Covered

Did You Miss That Sony Tokyo Game Show Conference? We Got You Covered

Couldn’t Be At Tokyo Game Show 2014 Or The Sony Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below

The Tokyo Game Show is still two weeks away but Sony has decided to jump the gun and show off all of the new/current titles that will be on display once the show gets fully up and running on the 18th of this month. Early in the morning or late last night, depending on where you live, Sony had their huge press conference to try and wow the Japanese market or to get the rest of the world excited for what is to come. Although it seems like they were focusing more on the PS4 and PS Vita more than anything. That includes a light pink “ladies version” of the PS Vita to tickle everyone’s fancy. Yep, that happened…

For the most par the whole presentation was a bit lackluster compared to all of the other conferences that Sony has put on as of late. Although it did give us a window to look for Bloodborne to be released around. February 5th 2015 is the Japanese release date for the game so we can assume some time around then for the NA and EU regions. Also there was the full announcement of theme support coming to the PS4 in the 2.0 firmware update because there is nothing better than using the PS4 to play video games than to watch the background screen while not playing games. Or not.

I’ll let you be the judge on everything that Sony showed off in their pre-Tokyo Game Show event though as we have it embedded below. Maybe it is just my “Western” mindset that made me a bit un-excited or thrilled here. Should I be excited for a new Gundam title for the PS Vita and PS4? I’m just not.