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Care To Hear What Gearbox Has To Say About Tales From The Borderlands?

Care To Hear What Gearbox Has To Say About Tales From The Borderlands?

Tales From The Borderlands

A new interview for Tales From The Borderlands from Gearbox has been released showing off what the original dev team has to say about their IP getting the Telltale treatment

It looks like Gearbox has a few choice words to use when talking about Tales From The Borderlands and how it is being handled by Telltale. Gearbox has offered up the overall narrative for Tales From The Borderlands as it will affect the way any future iterations of the Borderlands franchise will play out but everything else is on Telltale. In this most recent interview from the original team that made us fall in love with their first person shooter they have a few things to say and they are all…

Very positive. In fact it sounds like Telltale is doing with Tales From The Borderlands that Gearbox wanted to do in the first place but that would have led to a shitty FPS title for Borderlands instead of what we have received thus far. While I am usually a story based gamer here I can’t deny that story doesn’t mean a thing when your game is un-playable or just not fun. There is only so much one can put up with before throwing the game aside and then hitting the internet to fill in the story gaps that they missed out on due to a shitty title.

Tales From The Borderlands is a story game based on the first person shooter and it looks like it is going to do just what everyone wants for the franchise. That list includes not only the developer but all of us gamers and fans of the franchise in the first place. Although I am having a feeling that I should just give up on hoping Telltale will change up gameplay mechanics and try something new with their games and just enjoy the story. Maybe it just took looking at Tales From The Borderlands to make that sink in for me…

Tales From The Borderlands — The Gearbox Interview

Tales From The Borderlands

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