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A Cheaper Way To Get A PS3

A Cheaper Way To Get A PS3

Circuit City Has A PS3 Return Policy For HD-DVD Players

Ok, now this one isn’t the online scams and such that you get spammed with every time you log online or do a search for the PS3. Circuit City has announced that they will take back any HD-DVD players and exchange them for a nice shiny new Blu-Ray player. The customer still has to pay the difference, but you can also take back a player you bought no more than a couple months ago. You know, before Toshiba dropped there bomb of backing out of the HD format race.

Q: What about customers who may try to return an HD DVD player — even if they have owned it for several months?

A: We do not want to upset our valued customers. For this special circumstance, we are happy to offer an exchange for a Blu-ray player (customer plays any difference in purchase price) — even if it has been several months since the customer made their HD DVD player purchase. If the customer does not want a Blu-ray player, we can issue a gift card refund for their original purchase price. For products purchased in the last 30 days, handle as usual.

(Note: all open-box and defective Toshiba HD DVD players are Return-to-Vendor and must be sent back to Toshiba.)

As per policy, we will not accept refunds of opened HD DVD software.

Great news for anyone who did pick one up and has been griping about not having the cash to pick up a PS3. Especially since there have been confirmed reports that the PS3 counts as a Blu-Ray player for this announcement. So if you got shafted in this war, here is a way to get bandaged up by the field medic and back onto the HD format lines.

Check It Out

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