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Your First Intro Into Dying Light

Your First Intro Into Dying Light

Dying Light

The intro cinematic for Dying Light has been released from Techland and Warner Bros. Let’s spoil that opening first few minutes

Earlier in the week we were given the story trailer for Dying Light and its aim was supposedly to help us all understand what is going on in the game’s story mode. It actually added many more questions than answers which is usually a good thing but it still feels like Techland and Warner Bros. are keeping it all coy about what we will truly be experiencing when Dying Light launches. At least in the way of story. That is of course up until the recent release of the Intro scene to the game which, lucky you, we have just a bit lower down on the page as is the usual state of things on the site.

If you don’t care to have the first minute of what you’ll see when you load up Dying Light next year, then have a watch. If you want to keep guarded then skip it as we’ll dig into what all of it means in the grand scheme of Dying Light‘s story. At least my personal take on what we have to piece together.

Dying Light — Game Intro

So building everything we’ve been shown for Dying Light it looks like Harran is the only real place that has been overrun with the outbreak and the world has sectioned it all off to contain it. Outside of the normal B.S. that happens with society when catastrophes happen at this scale, the world is torn up and distracted. Now the air drops make more sense as this is the rest of the world trying to pretend to help this fictional area instead of just extracting the survivors in the land. Maybe that will be touched upon later in Dying Light but it would make more sense for the survivors to be saved via airlift instead of air-dropping supplies and letting them fend for themselves. Damn my logic.

Then again we would have no game and there would be no reason for those “evil corporations” or “evil governments” to send you into try and figure out a cure. Pretty much just to assume that will be the case in Dying Light so someone can weaponize what is going on and be able to sell the cure or make sure their own people are safe from it all. I’m hoping not to have that standard fare in Dying Light but that is usually how it all rolls out in a zombie outbreak of sorts. Man humans are always evil dicks to each other. It’s a surprise the species has lasted so long based on the stories that are like Dying Light‘s and so forth.

Who knows? Maybe Dying Light will break up the mix and show us something different when it launches on January 27th. If it does then I think we will all have something better to talk about and shining hope. Although I fairly certain my speculations there are about right as it does make for the basic story seen so far.

Dying Light

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