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Game Of Thrones — The Lost Lords Has A Trailer & Release Date Now

Game Of Thrones — The Lost Lords Has A Trailer & Release Date Now

Game Of Thrones

Telltale has released a new trailer for Game Of Thrones Episode 2 — The Lost Lords and with it comes the release dates

So the whole theory that the Game Of Thrones video game from Telltale was going to sync up with the premier of the next season of the Game Of Thrones TV show is going to be thrown out the window. That is unless we get hit with a few episodes back to back real quick as the next episode, The Lost Lords, for the video game is slated to hit on February 3rd now. That’s right, no Game Of Thrones episode for January at all as we now have to finish out the two month wait for this new episode. I thought they would have been completely on time with these but I guess they have a lot going on over there.

Here are the release dates, as they all are not 2/3/15 for all platforms, for Game Of Thrones — The Lost Lords. At least we don’t have to wait more than a day or so between each.

  • 2/3 — PC/Mac & PSN SCEA
  • 2/4 — Xbox 360/One & PSN SCEE
  • 2/5 — iOS

As is usual Telltale fashion, we also have a nice little trailer to show off what we know and can expect from the next episode in their turn at the Game Of Thrones franchise. Well not really turn but chance to use their talents to make an even broader audience fall in love with the franchise that has already captured so many people. I’m going to shut up now and let you watch the wiener party trailer in piece now…

Game Of Thrones — The Lost Lords — Trailer

While I did find the first episode of Game Of Thrones a tad on the slow and boring side, especially given the way the franchise normally paced, that doesn’t lower any of the excitement to see what Telltale is going to show has been happening in the background of the TV show. That is the end goal still if I am not mistaken. That is also why I figured that they would want to try and wrap the first season of the Game Of Thrones game before the show came back. You know, to give us all the time we need to digest all of this and get set to think of all the other hidden stuff they could cram into the game for the show.

I of course could be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off on all of that so you can look at Telltale’s Game Of Thrones however you want. Just know it is coming out in early February now. I’ve done my job.

Game Of Thrones — The Lost Lords

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