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Here Are A Few New Screenshots Of The Evil Within, But No New Info

Here Are A Few New Screenshots Of The Evil Within, But No New Info

The Evil Within

Talk about being tight lipped. While most other larger titles are getting new trailers and information spewed all over the internet leading up to E3 it looks like The Evil Within is holding back. Well holding back a bit as you will see a few “new” screenshots below but nothing new to add to the overall game. This could be to try and blow everyone’s minds at E3 though as TEW is one of the main titles that Bethesda is showcasing. At least that is my hopes.

Now let’s take a look at the actual screenshots that we have been provided.

Well they all look the same as we have seen before. At least mostly. Zombie-like thing carrying a torch; check. Dark and “foggy” hallways; check. Explosion of blood from zombie-like thing; check. In fact the only shot that doesn’t look “repeated” is the monitor room shot. Hopefully these will be explained and there will be more than just dark hallways and exploding zombie-like creatures who are wielding torches. I guess we’ll find out in the coming week.

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