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Here We Go With The Destiny Game Play Walkthrough… Again

Here We Go With The Destiny Game Play Walkthrough… Again


You most likely saw the Destiny game play footage during the PlayStation event at E3. You also most likely saw my Destiny recording from the Activision booth. Just in case you missed it all of those times, Bungie and Activision have been gracious enough to give us yet another look at the game play of Destiny.

On the plus side, it doesn’t have my horrid video angle and “shaky cam” to watch from. Nor does it have the game stalling out or lackluster player call outs to each other. Oh wait, not… it does have that. At least they aren’t as corny as they were while performing for a live audience. It’s still corny though.

So sit back and enjoy a closer and cleaner look at the next big game from Bungie. You Fan-Humans can rejoice now.

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