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A Little Bit More On The Last Of Us Left Behind DLC…In Trailer Form

A Little Bit More On The Last Of Us Left Behind DLC…In Trailer Form

The Last Of Us

Check out the new trailer for The Last Of Us Left Behind DLC. It is rife with hints as to what is going on in this story DLC.

So last we heard about The Last Of Us DLC was just that it was coming and a short glimpse of what to expect in the Left Behind story add-on. Don’t worry yourself with trying to look up any of that information because if you still haven’t heard the DLC will be out on February 14th and as for the trailer, you can just watch the first little bit of the following video. The real bonus here is that there is quite a bit more to what was shown before. Over twice the amount as well as a few clues as to why Ellie and Riley go on their misadventures.

Hint: Riley’s a new firefly and they live in the militarized zone where they are hunted down.

Go ahead and be upset if you think that was a spoiler for The Last Of Us or the DLC. It isn’t anything you can’t learn by watching the video below. This is something I figured from the first play-through when it was first brought up in Ellie’s random conversations. Now it is just all but set in stone as the video suggests. But who knows still. Hells, they could have been overrun by clickers instead and the area completely destroyed, hence why they were on their own later. But that is speculations still. I do enjoy doing that with games.

We’ll find out when the DLC hits though. For now it is time to finish the second run though The Last Of Us in preparation for Left Behind. If not to get re-attuned to the controls but to refresh the overall experience. So excited!

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