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Looks Like We Get To Go Under The Red Hood In Batman: Arkham Knight

Looks Like We Get To Go Under The Red Hood In Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman: Arkham Knight

GameStop has announced that they will have an exclusive DCL pack for Batman: Arkham Knight that adds the Red Hood’s Story

It looks like we are getting more to Batman: Arkham Knight than just the Harley Quinn story pack. That is at least if you are pre-ordering the game for your local GameStop and nowhere else. None the less it is confirmed now that we are getting more story DLC for Batman: Arkham Knight in the form of the Red Hood and it doesn’t look like the Joker’s version of the Red Hood either. I’m thinking that it is more like the recent animated series and comic ark but that will most likely be told during the play through.

I will admit that it does suck that this story add-on for Batman: Arkham Knight is an exclusive to a specific retailer but what is new there. I’m a firm believer that DLC that is bound to one retailer should be more fluff and nothing as awesome as story missions and add-on for the game like here in Batman: Arkham Knight. What if I don’t want to sell out to GameStop but what the full story of the universe? Well I’m SOL unless I YouTube videos of the missions or borrow a friend’s copy who did pre-order there.

Then again that is saying that this DLC for Batman: Arkham Knight will stay exclusive forever. I’m hoping not as I may miss out on getting the extra story. Why couldn’t this be something like a costume add-on or something a kin? None the less, all of you GameStop supporters and pre-orderers of Batman: Arkham Knight will totally have a blast playing through this new bit of story and character.

Batman: Arkham Knight - Red Hood DLC

Batman: Arkham Knight – Red Hood DLC