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A New Venture For Irrational Games’ Ken Levine

A New Venture For Irrational Games’ Ken Levine

Irrational Games is shutting down. What is next on the plate for Ken Levine and the BioShock franchise?

A story broke today that Ken Levine is starting a new venture inside Take-Two. In his message on Irrational’s official site he stated that he wants to go back to having a smaller team that creates narrative driven game for the core gaming audience. Much like how the first BioShock game played.

“While I’m deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished together, my passion has turned to making a different kind of game than we’ve done before. To meet the challenge ahead, I need to refocus my energy on a smaller team with a flatter structure and a more direct relationship with gamers. In many ways, it will be a return to how we started: a small team making games for the core gaming audience.”

It seems his venture is keeping on good terms with the company he has had over seventeen years with. He is shrinking his team and this, sadly, means all but fifteen team members will lose their jobs. Though, the laid off members of Irrational will receive financial support, access to the office to put together their portfolios, and offered opportunities within Take-Two. I can’t wait to see what Ken has in mind for the future. Only time will tell what treat gamers are in for.

Ken Levine’s new endeavor will begin after the new BioShock Infinite DLC, Burial At Sea Episode 2, is released on March, 25th. So is this the end of the BioShock franchise? If so what could we expect from the final DLC? Hopefully we will find out on March 25th.

“Seventeen years is a long time to do any job, even the best one. And working with the incredible team at Irrational Games is indeed the best job I’ve ever had,”

You can read the full message from Ken Levine at irrationalgames.com