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Quantic Dream Is Announcing Something New On January 28th

Quantic Dream Is Announcing Something New On January 28th

Quantic Dream has a new teaser site up and ominous Tweets about a possible new IP being announced on January 28th 2015

Quantic Dream has a nice little list of titles under their belt and it looks like there may be one more getting added into the mix. Most recently they have made huge splashes on the PS3 with Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. Both great titles in my opinion even though most other outlets and gamers would greatly disagree. They’ve also made another title that was well received on the PS2, Xbox, and PC called Indigo Prophecy if you are still here trying to find a reason to care about this new little tease from Quantic Dream. Yea, thought that might catch your attentions there.

Back to the new Quantic Dream IP though.

Yesterday (1/20/15), Quantic Dream took to their social media accounts and teased the below message that lead people to a countdown website. That site being achillingfeeling.com that only displays a frozen screen with the words “Conspiracy Guilt Is A Remorse Prophecy Hide Losing Chilling My Mind Murder Feeling. Run” and of course the count down. I’ll give you a few moments to take all that in.

First off I look at the source and Quantic Dream isn’t hiding anything there with a cursory glance. I don’t think we really need to look that far though as if you look at the jumbled words there and the visuals added in we are getting one of four things from the developer here soon.

  1. A new Indigo Prophecy title.
  2. An HD Indigo Prophecy remaster for the PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.
  3. A completely new IP that just happens to look a lot like one of Quantic Dream’s older and well-received IPs.
  4. Something completely different altogether and this was a great ruse to throw everyone off the scent.

Of course we can speculate until the cows come home on what Quantic Dream is going to be working on next. The one thing we can know for sure is that as long as it isn’t an HD remaster of an old title and something new for the next gen then they will hit it out of the park. Like I said, I’ve yet to experience a bad title from Quantic Dream no matter how they do with the “major-paid-outlets” who for some reason still dictate if you will like a game without you playing it at all. Now I sit and wait…

Quantic Dream