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Reptile Slithers Into The Mortal Kombat X Roster

Reptile Slithers Into The Mortal Kombat X Roster

Mortal Kombat X

Reptile has been confirmed for Mortal Kombat X now and we have a nice little trailer showing off the lizard kombatant melting faces

We have the first of two new characters for Mortal Kombat X to be revealed this week and it is Reptile. Yet another character that you would have been a no-brainer for NetherRealm to add into the Mortal Kombat X mix and now we have it confirmed. Not only confirmed but a bit in motion and showing off some great new moves as well as a literal face melting opening for a fatality. Why we only get the opening for these fatalities is still a little bit of a mystery for me but I’d assume that it is to try and keep 1.5 of each character’s finishers a surprise for when we first crack open the game.

I know you just want to move on to the bread and butter of this Mortal Kombat X update so I’ll let you jump on down and take a look at Reptile in motion and a bit more of the cheesy dialog we are going to need to expect on April 14th.

Mortal Kombat X — Reptile

I do wish that there was a bit more explanation into the fighting styles for Reptile here but I am already digging the fact that he is going to be using the acid and tongue attacks more in Mortal Kombat X. Well, maybe not more but in different ways that are not just clones of Sub Zero’s just with acid instead of ice. Yes I saw a few clones here but hopefully they are used in different ways in Mortal Kombat X. At least we can hope that the acid on the floor doesn’t just keep the rival “hot-footing” around leaving them open for a free hit like the frozen floor Sub Zero does.

Going back to before, let’s be honest here. We knew Reptile was going to be coming back for Mortal Kombat X in some way. That is why it isn’t that big of a deal to see him here. I am hoping that the next reveal on Thursday will be a 100% new character to the Mortal Kombat universe but it will most likely be a tried and true kombatant that will get everyone’s knickers in a twist and wish the release date was much sooner. Okay, that last bit will be true no matter who they show off in a few days.

Mortal Kombat X