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Review: The Walking Dead Season 2

Review: The Walking Dead Season 2

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Season 2 has come to a close and it is time to let you all know what I thought about the latest episode and the whole season

That is a wrap on season two of The Walking Dead from Telltale. Episode five has been released and there is No Going Back now. See what I did there? I was lucky enough to be able to sit down and play through the final episode and give it the old gamer review. I’ll try to keep things as spoiler free as possible but in the mix I will warn that there are a few spoilers I feel I had to touch upon as they were either things I loved or hated about the conclusion here.

Also, I am trying something new for this review. This will be one of the first video reviews for the site and I chose The Walking Dead to give it a go. You should be glad that you don’t have to read a whole slew of text and get my horrid voice to read aloud. Now you get to sit through that instead of reading the drivel on the screen. If it goes well, expect to see a few more like it with hopefully better quality as we move forward. Have to advance with the times and all.

Lastly, I also touch upon the other episodes that did not get a written review on the site. Okay, well one other episode that didn’t get the written treatment but still. Go ahead and watch until your ears bleed with excitement or lack thereof for The Walking Dead season two.

The Walking Dead: Season 2 — No Going Back was developed and published by Telltale for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC on August 26th, 2014. A copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.

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