1307 👀

See How The Monsters Of Evolve Have Evolved

See How The Monsters Of Evolve Have Evolved


In the latest livestream for Evolve we get a good look at how all of the monsters have evolved in the game as well as a better look at the Wraith

The third monster for Evolve has been revealed and we’ve seen a bit on the Wraith but now it is time to get the full look at her. Not only the Wraith but all of the monsters we will be playing in Evolve when it launches on February 10th next year have gone though some evolving just as the game’s title states. Now we have a nice long look at the evolution as well as a lot of game play for the monster so we can be better prepared when the Evolve beta lands on top of the game proper. Good thing 2K and Turtle Rock have some spare time to spend doing all of this.

As it should have easily been assumed, all of the characters in Evolve didn’t start out where they are now. If all is to be believed that is even more so for the monsters in the game. In fact, they all started out as something completely otherworldly and had to undergo some intense changes to makes us actually sympathize with the beings we should be conditioned to hate and loathe from childhood. I get that is what they are going for but then why not call them creatures instead of monsters? Outside of the narrative for Evolve needing a reason for humans to band together with an easy description.

Evolve — Sessler And The Wraith

I have no doubt that all of the monsters in Evolve are going to be fun to play with but the more I see for the Wraith, and there is a whole hour plus there, I think this will be my default to go with. Granted this is of course based on the footage captured from the developers and nothing based on actual hands on but it looks to be my style of creature…err…I mean monster. Can’t go humanizing them just yet am I right? Of course I am. I always am.

Now back to the long-ish wait for Evolve to hit my home and enjoy these beings firsthand.


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