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Styx: Master Of Shadows Looks To Be The Thief Game We Wanted

Styx: Master Of Shadows Looks To Be The Thief Game We Wanted

Styx: Master Of Shadows

With the E3 demo for Styx: Master Of Shadows being released we can see how it can be a better Thief game than Thief turned out to be

Here we go with Styx: Master Of Shadows, yet another little gem I missed out on at E3 due to time constraints. Luckily, like many other titles, the demos and gameplay didn’t stay at the convention for long and now we get a nice 14 minute look at the gameplay for Styx: Master Of Shadows. This title has only recently made it onto my Gamedar and that makes me a little sad. Just by watching this gameplay demo alone would have been enough before to get my interest going but I am only one being and my attentions are already drawn all over.

Enough gilding the lily for Styx: Master Of Shadows for now. I’ll let you watch or you can skip below for a summary and thoughts. Although I’d prefer both.

So who else thinks that Styx: Master Of Shadows is looking like the Thief-esque title we were hoping for? It may just be me as I was not a huge fan of the new adventures of Garrett. It does look like Cyanide picked up on things that I would have loved to see in the other title and placed it in Styx: Master Of Shadows. That is if they could have seen the future, known my desires, and knew what part of the gameplay to show. A tall order and highly unlikely but I like to think that it is all about me anyways. Deal with it.

As for the specifics, in particular I like how Styx: Master Of Shadows gives a true freedom of movement around a level as well as eliminated the “hints” options for free. Just in this demo alone I could see a few different ways to tackle areas and events outside of how it was done. That and it should be costly to get the level hints instead of just getting them to move you along. Styx: Master Of Shadows forces you to use Amber (Manna, Power, Etc.) to get the clues you may want more than need. It looks a bit more game balancing more than a penalty.

Currently Styx: Master Of Shadows is slated for a release later this year on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. My guess is around November or late October but that is purely me just making assumptions based on how games like this are normally handled. I’m stoked. Are you?