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The Last Of Us Has An Official Trailer Out Before It All Kicks Off

The Last Of Us Has An Official Trailer Out Before It All Kicks Off

The Last Of Us

The first full trailer for The Last Of Us series is here to show how close it is going to be to The Last Of Us game

It is finally here and we can all start to lose our minds over the upcoming series for The Last Of Us on HBO. The previous teaser we all had did a good job getting us all hyped up for January 15th, 2023, to land but here we go with the full thing. A new and full trailer that looks like it will be using all of the massive elements from the story Naughty Dog told us already in The Last Of Us but adding in a few more things too. It would not be the best of shows if it was just the actors trying to portray what other actors have already done and with the exact same writing. We have experienced that already and can do that again whenever we want. Here, though, it looks like that extra artistic license is going to elevate things just a bit more.

If you have not just skipped down to the trailer already, The Last Of Us looks like it will be hitting all of the different periods in the game with a specific hard look at the Winter portion. In fact, I would not be surprised if we are only going to get to see the prologue, and two of the season portions in this series when it drops. If they wanted to keep it going for as long as they can, it would make sense to break it all into the various season we get in The Last Of Us and just tacking the gut-wrenching prologue in through various episodes or one full one right when we need to have a solid cry. Even if it is not the original voices or a perfect match for the characters, they are nailing the roles so well that I have a feeling we will all forget and get sucked right back into the horror of the world. Now you can go have a watch after sticking with me up to now.

The Last Of Us — The Series First Trailer

The official The Last Of Us trailer is here. From the Emmy award-winning creator of Chernobyl and the creator of the acclaimed video game, the new HBO Original series premieres Jan 15 on HBO Max.

Were you expecting this version of The Last Of Us to deviate from the source material to hit what is popular right now or will it stay as close as possible while giving us a good story too? Will we see the whole first game and DLC in this first season of the show with any following seasons diving into the sequel? Could this all culminate in a new version or addition to the game getting announced when the season finally wraps? Let us all know what you think down in the comments and then discuss it all until we start talking about each episode. We are going to keep sharing what we get for The Last Of Us here, so please keep checking back in and enjoy it all.

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