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Does The Last Of Us Remastered Look Better On PS4?

Does The Last Of Us Remastered Look Better On PS4?

The Last Of Us Remastered

It looks like the first screenshots for The Last Of Us Remastered have been released online but do they look better than the original game

We are only a short time out from the release of The Last Of Us Remastered on the PS4 and it should be about high time that we get a look at how the upgraded are looking. Right? Right. Well it looks like we may have the first batch of screenshots for Naughty Dog’s game right here to look at and try to compare to the original version of The Last Of Us. As I’ve said many times over I think it is going to be a tall order to try and surpass that in the visuals department.

Let us have a quick look at the four screenshots that we have here for The Last Of Us Remastered. Make it quick as I have my opinions to share for those who will listen.

So I am a bit torn here. In two of the shots I can see the slight advancement for The Last Of Us Remastered over the original. Then I also see some that look like they are just about the same as the PS3 version of The Last Of Us. They still look amazing none the less but that was one of the upscale selling points for The Last Of Us Remastered. I mean outside of being able to play The Last Of Us on the PS4 and getting the DLC added into the mix but most of us have already had that luxury.

The true test will obviously be when we can actually play The Last Of Us Remastered on July 29th here. Mainly it is looking like it will be a huge win for all of those out there who have yet to experience The Last Of Us or those of us who are huge fans of the game who want to have the experience once again. Or for the fifth time in some of our cases…

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