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The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land Has Been Announced For 2015

The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land Has Been Announced For 2015

The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

A cinematic trailer for The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land has been released to announce the new tie-in game

The Walking Dead franchise is still a steam roller and in a preempt for SDCC we now have The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land announced. The Telltale game has been relatively amazing, the Facebook tie-in social game was ok-ish, and the other console game from what I hear was ‘meh’. Now we have yet another title but this time just for mobile from Next Games and AMC.

That is about all we know about The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land outside of the following cinematic trailer that we have from AMC’s YouTube account. Have a watch with me.

So it looks like it could be awesome given that the trailer is about on par with Dead Island‘s trailer in the past. The only drawback to making this more than a promo for The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land is that it will be limited to mobile for now. There isn’t even a distinction of iOS and/or Android here. That makes this all sound a lot more like a quick cash in to the franchise’s fame more than another expansion into the world.

Who knows though? It could be amazing like a few other titles that come to mobile devices but I am pretty sure that it will be nothing as cool as this trailer for The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land. I guess we’ll find out in 2015 when it is set to launch.

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