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This Week In Video Games 4/13/15 — 4/17/15

This Week In Video Games 4/13/15 — 4/17/15

A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here’s A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games

Now this has been a great week for video games now hasn’t it? Not only did we get a good look at Everyone’s Gone To The Rapture but we had Guitar Hero Live shown off as well as Star Wars Battlefront to look at. I’ll say it again. Guitar Hero Live and Star Wars Battlefront! Two games that we all knew were coming but haven’t heard or seen a thing until this week. Bam! A great week for video games and gaming indeed. Although I know I wish that there would have been a bit more revealed for both already. But beggars and choosers right?

Gladly these two games didn’t dominate the headlines all week in the world of video games though. I mean, Dying Light is still carrying on months after its release with new features and The Order 1886 is giving us even more reasons to keep playing the game. We also can’t overlook the smaller titles that are coming out and need some light to grow in. Maybe a little blood and water from Wolfenstein: The Old Blood and some Call Of Duty DLC to keep those video games flowing too. Great week and what a way to end it.

Go ahead and have a look at everything we covered in the world of video games this week. Hopefully you won’t be let down and you will have a great time with those video games this weekend. Happy gaming all!

Video Games

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