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This Week In Video Games 8/21/17 — 8/25/17

This Week In Video Games 8/21/17 — 8/25/17

This Week In Video Games

Video Games

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here’s a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week

Another fine week of video games in the bag and there was still so much that we did not get a chance to cover this week. I guess that is what having another huge gaming event like Gamescom will do to us all when we are just trying to share it all. I mean, we had a lot of updates and news for Shadow Of War this week and a continued update for South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Not to mention some other great video games getting the announcement like Biomutant and Jurassic World Evolution. Not a bad haul of news and updates if I do say so myself.

That is all fine and good, but we did have to let some of those video games fall through the cracks this week, so be on the lookout for those updates next week as well as a few more reviews that we have chambered for you. It can be so hard to play catch-up here, but it is a task that we will take on ourselves. It is all for the love of video games and making sure all our readers are just as updated as we are. If only it was easier to wade through all of the PR bullshit that gets thrown in. Then we might have even more to bring you each week, but for now this is where we are.

As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming All!

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