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The Villains Of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Might Include Carnage

The Villains Of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Might Include Carnage

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

There is a new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 showcasing some of the other villains Spider-Man will have to bring down.

When it comes to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 visually what has been shown hasn’t been as impressive as with The Amazing Spider-Man. This could be as we have been spoiled over the last few months with next gen graphics and all we seem to be getting are trailers for the last gen systems. If this is the case then we might have to rely just on the fun factor of the game as well as the story. What makes an interesting story for Spider-Man is usually the villains and their overall goals. Hells, that isn’t just the case for Spider-Man but all good stories.

Well if things are to be speculated and believed with the latest trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 it looks like we will be getting one of my personal favorite bad guys in the Spider-Man universe. That would be Carnage based off of a couple frames in the mentioned trailer. It is no Mysterio but Carnage ranks right near the tippy top of my favorite villains in this universe. You have no idea how excited this makes me even though I wish I could play as Carnage over Spider-Man.

With the speculated inclusion of Carnage here it should also be an easy leap of logic to say that we will most likely be seeing Venom as well. At least if Beenox is going to keep a bit close to the Spider-Man universe in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It will make me upset if this is cliffhanger for a third title as The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game is linked to the film version in a few ways and the next film is rumored to have Venom in some capacity. Although all of that would make no sense at this given time.

Either way, here is the new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game due out on April 29th. I hope that the PS4 and XB1 versions look better to add to great villain additions.

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