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The Walking Dead Season Two Episode 3 Will Be Out Next Week

The Walking Dead Season Two Episode 3 Will Be Out Next Week

The Walking Dead: Season 2

The Walking Dead Season Two Episode 3 has a new trailer and is slated to be on all platforms/markets next week.

It boggles my mind sometimes on how Telltale likes to keep their new releases so secret until they do what they just did with The Walking Dead Season Two Episode 3. Just like all of their other titles they wait until the week before to put out a trailer for the game, claim it is coming soon, and then give a solid date for five to seven days later. I’ve said it before that we should be used to it but it just sticks in my craw that much that it bugs me enough to complain.

For now let us get to the new trailer for The Walking Dead S2E3. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. Oh, and so you don’t have to wait any longer here are the release dates that are listed as Coming Soon in the trailer:

  • 5/13 – PC/Mac, PS3 NA
  • 5/14 – Xbox 360, PS3 EU
  • 5/15 – iOS, Android

Just as with the teaser images before, this new episode for The Walking Dead looks to be intense and full of shocking moments; hopefully. Unless Telltale decides to kill Clem mid-season and pick up a new protagonist I have a feeling that there will be some messed up stuff that happens but out little heroine will make it through mostly fine. All of the other characters not so much but it would be an amazing twist if Clem bit it in this episode as it would be a game changer in the story moving forward for the season.

Hate me for saying that but it would make the story even more intense and evoke so many more emotions. Just the like the comic books there is no real fear of the main character dying in The Walking Dead even though the world of the franchise definitely promotes that could be the case. Then again I think Telltale would get a plethora of hate mail if they killed off Clem and then there goes that franchise cash cow.

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