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Have A Better Look At The Updated Family Life In Metro Redux

Have A Better Look At The Updated Family Life In Metro Redux

Metro Redux

A new set of screen shots for Metro Redux have been released showing off the amazing upgrades for Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light

A little over a week ago we got details for Metro Redux with a nice trailer showing off Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light running at 60 FPS. As I am sure we will most likely be seeing some hands on time with the collection at E3 coming up here it is not too surprising that we are getting a few new screen shots from the upcoming re-releases. There is no telling if these are PC, XB1, or PS4 shots but they do look damned pretty.

Have a look and maybe you can tell the scenes from which title that is included in Metro Redux.

Like I said, both of the titles in Metro Redux are looking spectacular and I am sure will bring the same top-notch experience we all had when both games had lower resolution and visuals. Just like with the Tomb Raider upgrade I have a feeling that Metro Redux is what the developer wanted to do from day one but couldn’t due to hardware limitations; console or not. I truly cannot express how much I want to go back to the Metro here with all these upgrades.

Check back here for updates on Metro Redux. It is one of the titles slated for my OCD hands to grab a hold of at E3 here. How excited are all of you for this? Sound off in the comments below.