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Finally We Have A Bit To Compare With For The Last Of Us Remastered

Finally We Have A Bit To Compare With For The Last Of Us Remastered

The Last Of Us Remastered

A new TV Spot and screenshots for The Last Of Us Remastered give us a look at the upgrades for the game

A little while back we had some “leaked” screenshots for The Last Of Us Remastered to look at and see if the up-scaling for the game made things look any better. Well now we have an official trailer for The Last Of Us Remastered as well as quite a few new screenshots for the game and… I am still torn on if I can see any real improvement over the PS3 version to the PS4 version of the game. It is a bit tough to see anything with just stills and the little bit of in-game footage that we do get in this new TV Spot for The Last Of Us Remastered.

Here, look at the video and tell me if you can see a vast improvement in The Last Of Us Remastered.

See what I mean? It is hard to tell because the original version of The Last Of Us was already so crisp and played well on YouTube it is hard to see if The Last Of Us Remastered has come through on the promises. Although we do luck out that someone on the internet has put together a comparison of sorts based on this new footage and a scene from the first trailer for The Last Of Us. It’s only about two seconds long but here it is to give us a better look at the upgrades to The Last Of Us Remastered.

The Last Of Us Remastered
Ok, well maybe not. I want to say I see an upgrade between the two but the footage is so jarring that it is hard to see anything. Maybe the branches on the bush are a little more detailed? Is that extra hair falling in front of her face? Maybe? Like I said, it is hard to see if there is a huge difference for The Last Of Us Remastered given what we have right now. Even the following screenshots don’t give us a great look to compare to but they’re something at least.

I just don’t want to have to wait until the end of July to finally get the full comparison here. Even then I think it will be a little too close to the original to see but I could be wrong. If anything though I am still excited to have a reason to hop back into the universe of The Last Of Us on my PS4. That machine needs a great game to run through it after all the flops or let downs I have placed in it since I purchased the machine.


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