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Murdered: Soul Suspect… Now With E3 Walkthrough

Murdered: Soul Suspect… Now With E3 Walkthrough

Murdered: Soul Suspect

Words can paint an amazing picture and level of detail in the mind’s eye. But you know what is better? Actually getting to see things with your own eyes. We have just that for Murder: Soul Suspect straight from E3. Well at least Square Enix and Airtight games were nice enough to provide us and the world with a wonderful view of what they were showing in their booth at E3.

While I will do the self serving thing and point you to my full write up, it was mostly based off what you are going to get to see in the next 25 minutes. You also don’t have to wait in the long line to check it out, so there is that bonus too. Take a gander and give your own thoughts below.

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