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A New Friday The 13th Game Is In The Works For 2015

A New Friday The 13th Game Is In The Works For 2015

Friday The 13th

It’s been announced that there is a new Friday The 13th title in the works from Crystal Lake Entertainment and an un-named developer

Good news for us horror fans, maybe, as there is a new Friday The 13th video game in the works. This is to go hand in hand with the new TV show and film but hopefully will not be solely a tie-in for the franchise. Details are still sparse on it all since the news dropper “exclusively” on EGM Now but that does not mean we don’t have at least the basics as we wait for the anything visual for this new Friday The 13th game. It’s been over 25 years now since Jason graced our video games so it is high time and Crystal Lake Entertainment thinks they need to get piece of the gaming pie again.

What is known about the new Friday The 13th is that it is going to be an asymmetrical, co-operative and competitive multiplayer title where players play as one of the victims or one player plays as the main bad guy Jason Voorhees. I’ve heard this model before… As of right now it is slated to be released in October of this year and it will use all of the lore from the franchise’s history as well as elements from the upcoming TV show and the next major film to enter the Friday The 13th franchise. Sound like Evolve but not completely… This is all still being developed by an un-named studio so we are kind of at the mercy of Crystal Lake Ent. here with the sparseness of information and…

Wait a second! This Friday The 13th title sounds just like that Kickstarter title Last Year. Almost exactly the same just with fewer killers and one more iconic one. It too is an “asymmetrical, co-operative and competitive multiplayer title where players play as one of the victims or one player plays as the main bad guy.” Wouldn’t it be a bit coincidental that they more than doubled their Kickstarter goal there a month ago and now we have the same style of game coming in the form of Friday The 13th here? I kind of think so. It would also make sense as there was definitely a showing that gamers want a title like this made and now a developer has the funding. They would just need the blessing from Crystal Lake to use the lore.

While this may not be confirmed at all, it would not surprise me if this ended up being the case for Friday The 13th. We have a dev team already working on the game. They have funding to do so. Now the franchise holders announce Friday The 13th in the same vein of game as the one that was backed. It’s either my idea or someone is trying to steal the idea from those indie guys who originally wanted to do Last Year. I’m just saying…

None the less as a horror fan I’ll be keeping a watchful eye on Friday The 13th and where it is going in development. I could be wrong or I could be right but in the end hopefully we get a great horror game to play and enjoy. Only time and the internet will tell.

Friday The 13th