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This Week In Video Games 4/15/24 — 4/19/24

This Week In Video Games 4/15/24 — 4/19/24

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week

It is now time to place another week behind us and take in all of the video games we have had to look at for the week. There were a lot of titles dropped or updated this week and many on the smaller size when it comes to teams. Sker Ritual and Capes certainly come to mind and then there were other video games that just had some awesome updates like The Outlast Trials and Dead Island 2. It might have felt slow in general, sure, but there was still a solid week of updates and footage to look at along the way. Even if some of the updates were just basic videos that did not truly explain much else that was going on in the mix.

With that all said, we are now going to look toward the next week and see what else we can have for our video games out there. It may be a wonky one with a few events we have going on around the offices here, so there might be some days where things get slow or we are able to only share a video or two. We will try to keep up with it all. If we are able to focus in, there should be some reviews out there to again with some work on a few other projects. Projects that have been on hold for a while and dive into things not just video games. These would be some of the ones placed on hold due to personal issues. With luck, those will be placed aside and we can get back into the full swing one more time.

As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully, you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games, and Happy Gaming!

The Outlast Trials — Toxic Shock

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