Ubisoft is setting up a Parkour obstacle course for those at SDCC to hone their Assassin’s Creed skills in real life
It really looks like The Walking Dead Escape started something at SDCC as it looks like Ubisoft and Assassin’s Creed are now bringing their real world video game experience to the convention with the Assassin’s Creed Experience. What is the Assassin’s Creed Experience? Well it is an obstacle course that is set up to have participants try out their parkour skills that they would need if they were part of the order of assassin’s from the game. Another version of bringing gaming to real life here.
So what can we expect from this new experience? Well it sounds like there will be rolling, running, vaulting, jumping, and finishing things off with an awesome 25-foot “Leap Of Faith” in the style of the Assassin’s Creed franchise. It sounds to be a bit more difficult than that though as it is listed that anyone who can complete the course will get an exclusive Assassin’s Creed Experience t-shirt to show off you were able to stand among the greats like Arno and Altaïr. Here’s a look at said shit as well as the others you can get for pre-ordering Ubisoft games at SDCC.
This now make a total of three real world video game like experiences at SDCC. The Assassin’s Creed Experience, The Walking Dead Escape, and Nerdist’s Borderlands Laser Tag Experience. I personally love these ideas and look forward to more real world versions of my video games. Now Santa Monica Studios just needs to announce God Of War 4 and get something like this set up for SDCC every year and I’ll be in gamer Elysia at least once a year. Just please don’t steal my idea there…
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