1426 👀

This Week In Video Games 1/5/15 — 1/9/15

This Week In Video Games 1/5/15 — 1/9/15

A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here’s A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games

Here we go for the end of another week in video games. While not everything here was directly for the software side of things we did have some great highlights for the hardware side and then a bit of software. I blame CES bringing us so many cool things to play our video games with. Could you imaging Resident Evil running with the Oculus Rift or Morpheus. Or maybe allow all of us who are not parkour masters to run through Dying Light and give us all a feel of the action. Then mix in some of that LyteShot action to make things feel even more realistic but that is getting ahead of ourselves as usual.

It does seem like we had a bit more on the PlayStation side for the video games news but we had some Star Fox and PC stuff mixed in so we have a nice gamut of video games covered just below for you. Or all week long if you don’t like this little video games digest mode provided each week. Just let us know as usual in the comments and we can work to make sure you get to see what you want to see and not what we deem worth to see. Trying to break the norm in video games coverage with the New Year here.

Go ahead now and read all that news in the video games industry. Happy gaming all.

Video games

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