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Welcome To New Hades In Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell

Welcome To New Hades In Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell

A new developer look at Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell has been released from Volition and Deep Silver to show off some of the gameplay

Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell was announced at PAX last month and with it came a fun new trailer. It explained why we are trying to get Gat out of Hell but it didn’t explain how all too well. Outside of just pimp slapping Satan and hopefully walking off into the sunset. A nice idea but I think it is going to take a whole lot more than just that to escape and to make Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell a game that is worth our time and effort.

Wouldn’t you know it, Deep Silver and Volition probably thought the same thing and decided to give the public at large their first look at the ins and outs of how we will be getting close enough to punch the Devil in the face in Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell. All in a nice and long gameplay developer walk through as well. Isn’t that nice of them?

It looks like Gat is going to be able to take flight in Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell as well as have another crazy arsenal of weapons to take down all of the denizens of New Hades. Not sure I like that name there. These items include the previously shown Armchair-A-Geddon, the new Exodus 10 gun that fires a plague of locus at the enemy, and the Rambulance to help traverse the world as well as send many hellions to somewhere that is not Hell I am guessing. Where do the dead in Hell go? That is a good question I think needs to be answered in Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell.

Obviously these are not the end all be all of weapons and abilities that Gat will get to employ in his adventure but it is the first look at Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell that those not at PAX have. Outside of the obvious name issue I have I am still excited to get Gat Out Of Hell on January 27th next year. I just hope that Volition opts to use my likeness to add to the ambiance that is the Christian mythology. I can hope right?

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