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This Week In Video Games 9/3/18 — 9/7/18

This Week In Video Games 9/3/18 — 9/7/18

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week

It is time to end this week in video games on a high note as Spider-Man is finally here and out there for all to enjoy. There was a whole lot for that game this week, which was not surprising, but there was also a lot of other titles highlighted out there. Other video games like Hitman 2 and Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Those and we had a chance to see that Kingdoms Of Amalur may be getting a new addition to the franchise. That or we will finally see that MMO that was in the works before everything went sideways for the studio. We can keep hoping and dreaming though.

With all of that said, it is time to head into the review season for all of those other video games to come. We have a few in the works as I type this all up, but we cannot talk about them until a later date. One of them is a rather large one we have been looking for as well as all of those other freaks for video games out there. That and all of the other news and updates that are sure to come as well. We will see as the next week fires off and we have time to dive into everything still to come. Here is to a great new week.

As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming All!

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