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This Week In Gaming 6/23/14 — 6/27/14

This Week In Gaming 6/23/14 — 6/27/14

A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here’s A Recap Of What We Covered In Gaming

This has been some week in terms of gaming news. It was a bit expected but not to the lull that it has been in the wake of E3. That of course didn’t stop us from gathering up what we could find to update all of you with. Everything from the large titles like Batman: Arkham Knight to the smaller like Slow Down Bull. We got you covered pretty damn well here.

It would defeat the purpose of giving you a recap of everything if I went over everything right now so I’ll let you pick and choose what you want to see. Personally I would suggest the PlayStation Now opinion piece or the really cool look at Styx: Master Of Shadows but that wouldn’t be me letting you have free will now would it? Nope and that is what we need to keep flowing in the world of gaming.

I’ll let you hop on down and see everything now. Happy gaming to all of you.

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